Peace IV Funding 

We are very proud to announce that we have secured additional funding for two projects under the Peace IV banner.
Our project will involve a partnership with St. Patrick's PS, Glen. Skeleton details are set out below.

Please keep returning to this page during terms 2 and 3 for updates.
More detailed information can be found by clicking on the links at the bottom of each project description.

If you would like to read up on Peace IV funding in general, please click on the European flag at the top of this page

Project One: Shared Education

Partner School: St Patrick's PS, Glen
Classes: P3
Timing: Terms 2 and 3
All work to be related to the NI Curriculum and carried out inside normal school timetables.

Our P3 Blog: Click Here! 

"Myths and Legends"

involving the children in at least 30 hours of teachers and children working together. 
Important elements of this work are:

  1. Close collaboration between teachers and support staff
  2. Sharing of topic material, classrooms, resources etc.
  3. Opportunities for parents to meet
  4. Involvement at Board of Governors level

Project Two: Shared Education
Partner School: St Patrick's PS, Glen
Classes: P6/P7 
Timing: Terms 2 and 3
All work to be related to the NI Curriculum and carried out inside normal school timetables.

Our P6/7 Blog: Click Here

"Woven in Ulster"

involving the children in at least 30 hours of teachers and children working together on the topic of Linen in our area.
Important elements of this work are:

  1. Close collaboration between teachers and support staff
  2. Sharing of topic material, classrooms, resources etc.
  3. Opportunities for parents to meet
  4. Involvement at Board of Governors level Planned experiences will enable our children to actively learn through observation, discussion, scientific exploration, drama, music, art, poetry and ICT.WE are delighted that our preliminary plans have been found to be very much in line with the brand new CCEA / Ulster Scots resource, "Woven in Ulster" which has been made available to every school in our province.