Ampertaine Primary School

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028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Accelerated Reader

For links to other areas of AR@Ampertaine, scroll further down this page.

Data updated 7th July 2018...Data updated 7th July 2018...Data updated 7th July 2018...

Some Number-Crunching for the 2018 - 2019 School Year
We thought that you would be interested in seeing some of the facts and figures that your children have generated this school year.

They make remarkable reading!!

Books Read Since 1st September = 3683  (360 per month)

Words Read Since 1st September = 29 335 398 (2.9 million per month)

Figures correct on 7th July 2018


"Probable Readers"
The two AR software elements we use interact with each other to provide data for children, teachers and parents.

The table below shows the % of children in P3 - P7 who are judged to be likely to be "Readers" as a result of their hard work.
We think these figures are very impressive. Well done, everyone!

  Northern Ireland's Best AR School 2016!!!

In September 2014 our school became an Accelerated Reader (AR) school and we could never have imagined how quickly AR would be a major part of our school's beating heart.
In less than three years our children's reading habits have been totally transformed with children reading dozens of books each year. Teachers in Key Stages 1 & 2 have confidence that almost all of their young readers are motivated, willing and having their needs met through our generously stocked library and the online resources provided through AR. Teachers have added their own reward, display and motivating resources so that when it comes to termly Star testing, pupils are more than likely to show real progress in terms of their standardised scores.


In our June 2016 Standardised Tests there is clear and growing evidence that a love of reading is being nurtured through exciting classroom activities, a wide variety of reading materials, parental support and the fabulous online AR experiences.We believe that there is a direct correlation between the use of AR at Ampertaine and improved outcomes in assessments. The Star Reading Tests taken regularly by our children help us to monitor progress and inform the children in personal target setting.

We are extremely proud that these pages celebrate our children's wonderful achievements.

Link to AR Bookfinder

Click Here

Christmas present?

Town library book?

Big brother /sister's book?
Check to see if you can do an AR quiz after you've read it.

Xmas 2017 Team Readers
Click Here

Who will win our lovely AR teddies, squishy men, crayons, highlighters etc.?