Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Parents
  2. AccessNI Checks

AccessNI ENHANCED Checks for Parent Helpers

Any adult in regular contact with our children must have completed a criminal record check.

There is NO CHARGE for this service.
None of your personal AccessNI information is ever shared with us in school. It all remains private between you and AccessNI.

This ENHANCED check is free of charge to Parent-Helpers. We are sorry but an AccessNI check from another organisation (e.g. BB, GB, Old MillFootball) is not accepted by the education authorities!

Checking is done almost totally online at the  website.

Log on by clicking this blue  link and enter AccessNI in the search box.

You can go to the page directly by clicking on the "apply for an AccessNI check" over here.....

You will need the special Ampertaine PS PIN Number which is available from Samantha in the office.

When your online work is completed, you will be given information which you need to bring to the school principal.
You will be asked to bring Proof of Identity documents. These are listed on the AccessNI website but you can open the latest Education Autority list by clicking HERE.

The principal will check the documentation (YOU must be there in cannot be sent in). A form will be signed and the Education Authority will be informed that it is in order.

After a short wait of about 3-4 weeks (more at busy times) you will be contacted with the AccessNI decision.

You should then bring your AccessNI Letter / Certificate to school for the principal to view.

On the NIDirect.Gov,uk website, click on the following box to  start your application.