This area of our website is part of our work for the
National Anti-Bullying Week.

Our Key Stage 2 survey in school shows that 82% of you have used your devices to talk to / chat with / play against / game with / share with etc. etc. others.

For Parents

As part of our programme of activities for Anti-Bullying Week we carried out a survey of Key Stage 2 children. It indicates that 82 % of our P5, P6 & P7 boys and girls use the internet in some way to communicate with others.

 We have registered our school with “Cybersmarties” which is a highly controlled Social Media experience for 6-12 year olds with lots of safeguards and benefits:

  *Includes Educational Resource  *Fully Monitored System   *Reports Cyber-bullying
Detects Potential Harassment  *Action  *Advice  *Monthly Reports  *Peace of Mind

log on to  for more information.


A school Newsletter with additional information and links has been sent home on Tuesday after our School Council / PDMU meeting.
Check your child's school bag!

For Our Children

  • It’s FUN!!!
    Smarties is
    all about:                       making friends

                                          sharing jokes
                                          playing games
                                          interacting with each other
                                          hearing from your teacher.

  • YOU can set up a profile of yourself, choose an avatar, choose what you like in sports, music, games and other cool stuff.
  • Search for other kids across Ireland who have the same interests and become friends.
  • It is safe.
  • Each day you will receive an inspirational message or video.