Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Classes

***New Classes for 2023/2024***

Class Arrangements for 2023 - 2024

Our classes are organised in the best way to meet the needs of our children at different ages and stages and to ensure that the integrity of allocating the school's resources is maintained.


   Foundation Stage                           Key Stage 1                          Key Stage 2

P1/2 Mrs L Logan 
Mrs. R Wallace/

                       Mrs. R Phillips              P3/4 - Mrs. D Cunningham                  P5/6  - Mrs R Penny / Mrs. J Speers 

                                                                                                    P7 - Mr. M Dillon / Mrs. R Phillips 


 Click on a class link below :
 P1/2   P2/3    P3/4         P5/6       P7  

The class pages above give you an outline of topic work currently underway in each class. 
There are also photographs of classrooms, displays and children at work.