Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Parents
  2. Policies

School Policy Documentation

These are, in the main, summaries which give a flavour of how we prepare for school related business.
Please click on the links to view the documents.

If you would like access to any of our policies, please contact school directly, or email us and we'll happily email you the required policies or send home a hard copy...Thank you


Relationships and Sexuality Education

Please click on the title to download and read this latest version of our RSE policy which has a few minor changes.

We would appreciate the VIEWS OF PARENTS which can be forwarded to us using the consultation form below.

Consultation closes on Monday 14th November in time for the November Board of Governors meeting.

CONSULTATION Nov 2016: Relationships and Sexuality Education

Please make your views / opinions known by completing and submitting this consultation form. No individual will be identified when responses are summarised.