Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Accelerated Reader
  3. AR Kids Connect

"KIDS CONNECT" ... Connect today to see your library of success!!!! .... 


Accelerated Reader KIDS' HOME CONNECT For P4, P5, P6 & P7

Home Connect is a part of AR that gives our you the chance to show off your superb efforts to your friends, mum, dad, grandparents etc. etc.

It is password protected: just use the AR Username / Password you already in use in school.

You can sign up for email alerts which will mean your mum / dad / friends can receive updates on your fantastic AR activities.

    Easy steps to sign up for Home Connect...Get your mum or dad to help...

Step 1...

Click on this Renaissance Learning to go to the AR Home Connect web  area.



Step 2...

Use your login details from school:

  • AR Username
  • AR Password.



Step 3...

Enjoy exploring your:

  • Progress reports
  • TOPS reports
  • Bookshelf of all the books you've read

If you use the help sheets and letter sent home from school, you will find your way around much more quickly.



There is also a link to the AR Bookfinder website where you can search for books or check if any books you already own at home are listed in the huge AR library.
When you've read your own books, bring them to school and we'll set up the quizzes for you.