Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Parents
  2. PTA Home

Ampertaine Primary School  PTA: HOME

In 2017 we are delighted to be forming our school's first ever PTA!

Over the years we have ALWAYS been able to count on the fullest possible support of our parents but now the time is right to formally set up our own PTA.

This is due to several factors:

  1. We now have an extensive list of parents who have committed to forming and maintaining a productive PTA.
  2. We have joined PTA UK who will support us in our work.
  3. Financial circumstances in educational are in critical decline. 
  4. At school we definitely need to share workload at a time when so much is being demanded of Governors and staff.
  5. With the future of smaller schools under the microscope as never before, we need to cement our community and parental links. 

To visit PTA UK website, click on this logo.